It can be tough working in an industry that few others work in. And that's part of why Bet Markets, the only conference to focus on the needs of online and offline sportsbooks, exists.
"I honestly think it's a great place to share some of the burdens of the last 12 months," says Mark Walker, the global head of conference at Clarion Gaming, which is organizing Bet Markets 2009 in Vienna, Austria, this March. "But really it (Bet Markets) is meant to be a positive experience where you come to hear and explore ideas about how the industry can expand, whether that be in new markets, offering new products to existing customers or finding whole new demographics."
"It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of your job so it's important to look up once in a while and see the strategic options for growth that are out there," Walker adds. "So the issues are there and we have some really exceptional speakers in their topic areas to give both the big picture, but also demonstrate solutions and get into the details."
One of the issues that is likely to be discussed at Bet Markets this year is spread betting companies.
"A trail-blazer that has caught my attention recently is the performance of spread betting companies," Walker says. "Unsurprising the volatility of the financial markets has not only helped educate a whole generation of people on what they are and what they do, but understandably have led to many people feeling they can outmanoeuvre the markets and make a dime in the process. This has in turn brought a whole new demographic into the sights of sports betting companies and I'm intrigued whether they will eventually be thought of as part of the general betting populace or continued to be referred to and treated separately."
At Bet Markets 2009, which runs from March 4-5, many of the 35 industry leaders and 250 industry representatives of the sportsbook sector will be addressing this and other issues, including:
- Diversification of your revenue streams including latest product innovation
- How to expand abroad and succeed in emerging markets
- The definitive legal and regulatory round-up in all key European countries
- Betting shop and online specific tracks to tailor your learning
- Market dynamics, partnerships and a focus on improving your in-play betting