BtoBet continues 2017 tour with EiG Berlin appearance
25 October 2017
(PRESS RELEASE) -- After successful technology meetings in Romania, Hungary, Cyprus and, most recently, Italy, BtoBet will continue on to Berlin, where it will attend EiG 2017.
Alessandro Fried will host exclusive talks for operators wishing to discover effective strategies and technology that will improve their service, boost players confidence and increase player lifetime values.
Commenting on the needs of today's players, Fried said, "We are seeing the evolution of a complete experience for the player. And this process is organic and iterative, with each new player action providing even more data to be correctly analyzed and monitored,
eventually contributing to an improved gaming experience. The manner in which platform providers acquire and manipulate data is a defining point of difference.
"In Berlin, operators will have the possibility to take part in exclusive talks and sessions to understand how they can interact seamlessly with contemporary, all-new devices that will become available on the market. They will see how to handle ever more content and be able to collect, in real time, data on the player activities through all the devices to improve the user experience."
Operators willing to discover the company's farsighted sportsbook and iGaming platform tech-tools can book a meeting with Alessandro Fried by contacting BtoBet at
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