NEW YORK – (Press Release) -- Yorktown Ventures, Inc. announces the date of its conference with a focus on affiliate marketing for online gaming operations.
The Casino Affiliate Conference, will be held on September
25 - 27, 2002 at the Sheraton Wall Centre in Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada.
The conference will spotlight affiliate marketing in the online
gaming sector. Delegates will hear experienced professionals
centering on topics such as:
- Casino Affiliate Programs Introduction
- Successful Affiliate Partnering: from both a gaming portal
webmaster's perspective, and an online casino operator's
- Affiliate Software Implementation
- Marketing - how to improve customer acquisitions
- Customer Care and Retention
- Affiliate Marketing in Asian and European Markets
Affiliate marketing is one of the fastest growing sectors on the
Internet today. In the online gaming arena, it is already an
established and proven form of business development. The Casino
Affiliate Conference is an annual event specifically focused on
this subject.
Yorktown Ventures, Inc. is a privately held corporation. With
offices in New York City and Florida, the company maintains web
sites that target niche markets, provides consulting with
established land-based gaming executives as well as non-gaming
business executives regarding online gaming operations.