Florida Gaming to Analyze Growing Gaming Industry

14 April 2005

MIAMI, Florida – (PRESS RELEASE) -- Hundreds of legislators, racetrack owners,
casino operators, and slot-machine manufacturers will convene Oct. 17-18 at
the first Florida Gaming Summit to analyze the state's potentially explosive
growth of legalized gambling.

The Florida Gaming Summit will present expert speakers who will examine
the state's ongoing slot-machine debate, Class II vs. Class III Indian gaming,
the future of racetracks beyond Broward County, the political outlook, and
convenience vs. destination gaming.

This major gaming-industry event, which takes place at the Hyatt Regency,
includes a cocktail reception on Oct. 17, followed by an intensive, all-day
conference program. Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., president and CEO of the
American Gaming Association, will deliver a keynote address.

Attendees can expect to gain valuable insight on the gaming path Florida
will follow, to keep abreast of the latest industry trends, and to network
with many of the most important figures in state and national gaming.

Florida Gaming Summit is produced by Ascend Media and Spectrum Gaming
Group, a first-time partnership that combines of two of the industry's leading
content providers and conference producers.

"Florida has the potential to become a gaming destination and make a
dramatic impact on both the gaming industry and on the lives of Floridians.
This conference will provide a central forum for anybody who has an interest
in this dynamic industry," said Charles Anderer, Director of Trade Events for
Ascend Media Gaming Group.

"The first Florida Gaming Summit will provide valuable analysis on the
challenges and opportunities in a state that has attracted considerable
interest from almost every facet of the gaming industry -- tribal operators,
commercial casino operators, the racetrack owners, slot manufacturers, and
day-cruise operators," said Michael Pollock, Managing Director of Spectrum
Gaming Group.

Florida Gaming Summit sponsorship opportunities are available by calling Lesley Grashow at 203-938-2782.

Related Links
Florida Online Gambling
Florida Gaming Summit 2005