to Discuss the Post-UK Gaming Reform European Union

11 November 2004

London, UK -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- was the first major international Gambling firm to launch in the UK following the publishing of the Gaming Reform Bill in October. With their footprint now firmly in Britain, being one of the most visited gambling sites in the UK, are looking towards Europe and the opportunities that UK Gaming Reform Bill provides throughout the rest of the EU.

EU legislation requires free trade between EU member states. British gaming legislation therefore influences gambling regulation in all EU member countries, and benefits interactive gaming companies by providing a comprehensive rule-set which begins to open markets across Europe. will send a representative to attend the European Interactive Gaming Summit in Sitges, Spain next week. European regulators and the International interactive gaming community will attend the conference in hopes of divining a clearer picture on a post-Gaming Reform Europe.

"The UK opportunities which exist for interactive gaming could subsequently be reflected across Europe, generating as much revenue, for UK companies, as the Las Vegas-style land-based resorts planned for Britain. Online gaming is already a global-wide multi-billion pound industry, and as such the UK could also soon be in a position to benefit from this in terms of entertainment, jobs and revenue," said Tim Rosenberg, International Spokesman for

Related Links
British Online Gambling
Global Interactive Gaming Summit & Expo (GIGSE) 2004