iGB Espana releases conference schedule

16 August 2011

LONDON, England -- (PRESS RELEASE) -- iGB Affiliate Events, has released a detailed conference schedule for their Spanish focused event, iGB España 2011. To be held in Madrid on the 18th-19th of November, this event will be focusing solely on the Spanish speaking market and the issues affecting this sector. The effect of the new Spanish regulatory landscape can be seen throughout the schedule, with the event focusing on helping delegates prepared for this defining period of gaming in Spain.

“Spain is Europe’s most recent territory to go through the regulation process” Explains Jaki Becker, Gambling Consultant & speaker at iGB España “The word I would use to sum up the current mood in Spain is ‘uncertainty’. A lot is happening in a very short space of time, with the Spanish government setting a tight deadline of 31st of December to have regulation decided and operational. iGB España will be looking at a 360® effect of this regulation – how it will affect operators, the different gaming verticals, affiliates and options available.”

The options available clearly refer to the sessions looking at the Latin American market, the migration of offline operators into the world of online and varying marketing strategies, such as mobile and SEO. The conference schedule has been organized to appeal to a vast demographic of gambling executives, aiming to bring together the Spanish speaking gambling industry. iGB Affiliate Events prides themselves in offering more than a simple conference, but an experience for all these delegates.

“The main reason people should attend iGB España is the incredible conference program” said Alex Pratt, head of iGaming Business and iGB Afifliate Events, “But we know that networking is 50% of the reason people attend our events. We ensure we provide delegates with every opportunity to meet the right people and make the best connection for their business, whether that’s through a niche expo with key suppliers and affiliate programs, or parties bringing people together every night.”

iGB España is free to attend for affiliates, while non-affiliates pay an entrance cost of €400+IVA. Entry grants access to over 10 panels and presentations, refreshments throughout the two days, including lunch, free wifi and two evening networking parties. More information on registration and the full schedule can be found on www.iGBEspaña.com.

Related Links
iGB Espana 2011
iGaming Business