National Indian Gaming Commission launches new site
29 September 2015
(PRESS RELEASE) -- In line with its priority to establish robust technological approaches and providing enhanced services to tribes, the National Indian Gaming Commission unveiled the new at the Global Gaming Expo here today. With improved functionality, design and navigation, the new is more user-friendly and intuitive and uses the latest in design and technology to offer users more information, greater flexibility and an enhanced search feature.
"Delivering on our commitment to harness technology in how we do business, the new website utilizes the latest in website technology and design," said Chairman Jonodev Chaudhuri. "The site includes an electronic subscription news service, streaming video, electronic financial submissions and an interactive casino directory that I think our tribal regulatory partners will appreciate."
Among the changes, the website's design is streamlined, with a modern look, cleaner layout of content and intuitive and consistent site-wide navigation. It is also accessible through a wide range of web browsers and devices, including mobile phones and tablets, and has been designed to meet accessibility standards.
"It's more than a redesign or slapping on new paint," said Director of Public Affairs Michael Odle. "We looked at how users entered the old website, where users spent their time and the related pages they visited. Based on the data, the site was then developed to provide users a better online experience."
The new includes the following site enhancements:
—Improved structure and navigation: The site has been designed for intuitive navigation with a more standardized menu structure.
—Up-to-date information that is easy to access.
—RSS feeds and email notifications: Users can stay up-to-date with new content delivered right to their computer via RSS feeds and email notifications.
—Enhanced search engine, providing a robust search of relevant content.
—Social media: Comment and share information via your favorite social networks, including Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
The new site will continue its evolution introducing new content and visual enhancements, including online registration for training courses among other online offerings in the near future.
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