NSGC promotes Responsible Gambling Awareness Week, October 2-8, 2011

30 September 2011

HALIFAX, N.S. (PRESS RELEASE) -- Nova Scotians have the opportunity to learn more about responsible
gambling this week at programs and events throughout the province as part of the 10th Annual responsible Gambling Awareness Week (RGAW), October 2–8, 2011.

“Responsible Gambling Awareness Week provides us with the opportunity to promote responsible gambling awareness throughout the province in a concentrated period of time”, Stephen MacDonald, Acting President & CEO of the Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation (NSGC). “The week is a terrific complement to the responsible gambling programming that runs all year long.”

This year, RGAW will focus on six communities including Halifax Regional Municipality, Cape Breton Regional Municipality, Amherst, Antigonish, New Minas and Yarmouth. There are several events planned throughout the province, including:

• Community education on responsible gambling will take place in each of the six communities. Responsible gambling ambassadors will visit various locations to hand out responsible gambling information to individuals who will have the opportunity to complete an online responsible gambling quiz for a chance to win a prize.

• A two-day Responsible Gambling Conference is being held October 3-4 in Halifax. The Conference provides delegates the opportunity to hear from world-class experts on emergent technologies, research and trends in the industry.

• A problem gambling awareness program for post-secondary students, kts2, builds on the success of the Responsible Gambling Council’s Know the Score program. kts2 will visit Dalhousie University and NSCC to look at the real chances of winning and losing, highlight signs of problem gambling and suggest ways to keep gambling safer.

NSGC is the Crown corporation that manages the gaming industry in the province and is the host of the 10th annual RGAW, which offers a full schedule of community events and education programs across Nova Scotia. For more information on how to make responsible gambling second nature visit yourbestbet.ca.

Related Links
Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation's (NSGC) Responsible Gambling Conference 2011
Nova Scotia Gaming Corporation