Pubcon Florida has been postponed due to COVID-19 concerns

16 March 2020

Pubcon Florida, originally scheduled for 24-26 March 2020 at Kovens Conference Center in North Miami, Florida, has been postponed.

Below is a statement from Brett Tabke, Founder of Pubcon Inc.:

"Out of an abundance of concern and caution for our attendees, speakers, staff, and community, we are saddened to announce the postponement of Pubcon Florida. As recently as Tuesday we felt positive about hosting Pubcon. The situation deteriorated rapidly with the virus turning up in numerous parts of Florida. Florida, and other places declared states of disaster or emergency.

Then about midweek many tech firms began limiting employee travel. Google, Microsoft, and several others canceled all unnecessary travel. Losing that many keynote and spotlight speakers, would severely limit the quality of the conference we could have produced.

We know the gravity of this action as it affects all of our community. We are exploring dates and options with incredible events team at Kovens Conference Center. We are committed to producing a world class event, but we don’t know yet when that will happen. We love South Florida and the last couple conferences down there have been some of the highest rated we have ever produced.

During this process, we will be transparent as possible. When we know something – you’ll know it too. The best way to stay informed, is via the blog on and our Facebook group. Anything important will be communicated directly to attendees via the email address on file when you registered for the conference.

We thank you for your support."

Related Links
Pubcon Florida 2020 (POSTPONED)