Swedish conference presents new business concept
26 October 2010
(PRESS RELEASE) -- In 2009 The Scandinavian Affiliate Super Summit launched with the glitz and glamour that Scandinavian gaming is. Building on the success from 2009, the new business concept for 2010 will introduce the i-Gaming business to a new unique platform.
Held in Stockholm biggest nightclub in the very city centre, these two days of full conferencing (Nov 30th – Dec 1st) and exhibition will bring you maximum networking opportunities, exclusive sessions, super panels held on the catwalk, Scandinavian Christmas features, Affiliate VIP room, vertical in-depth discussions, speed dating and so much more. Thursday the 2nd of December we invite all attendees to join our steam boat cruise, enjoying a traditional Swedish Smörgåsbord.
"I think SASS was a great" Richard De Waal – Referback. "There were plenty of new affiliates for us to meet, the atmosphere was great, and the host city was fantastic. This was the perfect opportunity for us to make grow our business. We will definitely come back next year"
And of course it goes without saying, we are happy to welcome Referback as a partner in 2010 together with PkrTech and Bet24 and many more joining soon!
Don't miss out on the biggest affiliate event in the Nordics – we welcome all affiliates, and of course, affiliates attend for free!
Check out what you're getting for X-Mas? Visit www.affiliatesupersummit.com
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