TribalNet Conference and Tradeshow celebrates 20 years in the industry
26 November 2019
(PRESS RELEASE) -- TribalNet recently wrapped up it’s 20th Annual Conference and Tradeshow with a celebratory week at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN. Year after year, this event has grown to be a top event in the industry; bringing in well over 600 attendees, 120+ vendors, nearly 90 speakers and panelists, 3 amazing keynotes, top-notch networking events and more. All with the same goal it has been carrying for two decades- to bring technology and tribes together. The theme of this year’s event centered on how exponential technology growth has changed our organizations, our customers and our own lives. First, looking back 20 years at where the industry was in 1999 when the first TribalNet occurred with just a room full of people in Northern Michigan, to the journey that advancements in technology has taken us on, and finally a look ahead at how tribes can be prepared for continued exponential growth in technology and opportunity.
The conference continues to bring in technology leaders from across tribal gaming, tribal government and tribal health, but recent years have also shown dramatic growth in attendees with non-technical leadership roles, such as CEO, CFO, GM and Tribal Council Members. This shift in attendee makeup follows a similar shift of technology as it has been integrated in all departments of organizations and enterprises. The most successful business leaders are demonstrating an awareness that technology impacts every single area of business and in order to stay ahead, all leaders must embrace their evolving role in technology and preparing for the opportunities it brings to their organizations
TribalNet Advisory Board members, a nationwide representation of the type of attendees that come to the event, contribute to what the agenda shapes up to be each year. These Board members determine session topics, assist in speaker selection, and drive overall content to ensure it is aligned with the most relevant and up to date issues facing tribal enterprises and organizations of all sizes and geographic regions.
TribalNet Founder and Executive Officer Mike Day indicates, "The 2019 TribalNet Conference and Tradeshow was our largest event yet and a testament to the hard work of the TribalNet team and all of our dedicated Advisory Board Members. Technology is driving opportunity, customer satisfaction and new revenue in every tribe. Our growing list of attendees recognize this. Our unique mix of educational sessions and networking opportunities has always been designed to let all of our attendees and exhibitors leave the event with actionable and valuable tools, connections and information. I would personally like to thank all of our presenters, panelists and sponsors for making this such a great event."
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