VizExplorer launches Golden Record customer valuation solution
19 April 2018
(PRESS RELEASE) -- VizExplorer, the leading provider of enterprise-level operational intelligence solutions, announced today that it has launched the VizExplorer Golden Record solution for casinos. Already scheduled for deployment at two large tribal gaming properties, it is designed to help casino operators unify their customer records and understand the total value of a customer based on activity across the entire business.
Casinos typically consider the value of their customers from a gaming perspective, yet the overall value of a customer expands as gaming properties add hotel, spa, retail and other entertainment amenities. For operators, the Golden Record solution offers the unique ability to connect player activity across disparate data sources without the reliance on a loyalty card or player identification system. It offers a complete, detailed and accurate player profile based on spend and activity across gaming and non-gaming areas of the business to improve the efficiency, performance and profitability of operators’ sales and marketing efforts.
“We originally developed this solution for the Milwaukee Bucks to identify singular representations of their fans from among their multiple and disparate owned and third-party systems,” said Jason Bonner, VizExplorer’s VP of Product Management. “Now we’re taking these findings back into the casino environment and delivering operators’ access to measure their customers’ value across other dimensions of their business, not just gaming,” he added.
“We’re solving a critical problem for modern businesses that rely on multiple data streams to manage operations. Our unique matching algorithm adds new non-gaming data to complete the player record that we believe is compelling to casino marketers seeking new ways to entice players back to the property,” said VizExplorer CTO and Founder Andrew Cardno.
VizExplorer will demonstrate the new solution in booth 329 at the upcoming NIGA Indian Gaming Tradeshow & Convention, held 17-20 April 2018 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Request a product demonstration and learn about VizExplorer’s speaking engagements during the conference at
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