WGCE Conference to Feature New Education Programs

27 July 1998

New York -- The 12th annual World Gaming Congress & Expo (WGCE) has expanded significantly this year with the addition of four educational programs, each designed to meet specific management needs for improved planning techniques, and greater responsiveness to customer expectations and global change.

On Tuesday, September 22, the day before World Gaming Congress & Expo officially welcomes its estimated 23,000 delegates to the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Slot Manager Institute and the ASIS Gaming Protection Program get under way. Both are intensive, full-day programs presented by industry experts.

"In a way, we've transformed our traditional three-day trade show and business conference into a four-day event, " said Paul Dworin, COO of GEM Communications, publisher of IGWB (International Gaming & Wagering Business Magazine) and presenter of WGCE. "Apart from regular show activities, the additional day for our two institutes provides a good learning environment where managers can focus completely on
problem-solving and adding value to the bottom line."

The Slot Manager Institute will cover a wide range of topics: game mix, configuration of the slot floor for maximum profit, improved labor efficiencies, and enhanced player tracking systems. Featured speaker Randy Adams, Sales & Marketing Director of Anchor Gaming, will analyze "Gaming in the New Millennium: Reaching Out to the Customer of the Future." The Institute will conclude with a networking reception.

The ASIS Gaming Protection Program, which debuted last year at World Gaming Congress & Expo, returns with five customized, concurrent tracks. The curriculum, presented by security specialists and the American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS), covers Indian gaming, casino scams and risk management, technology and equipment, game protection, and investigation/education.

On Thursday, September 24, World Gaming delivers its first-ever symposium on the convergence of gaming and entertainment presented by executives of the Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) and Casino Executive Magazine. With themed resorts now in development throughout the world, gaming executives will explore avenues to opportunity with managers of themed entertainment facilities. Topics will include identifying themes and demographics, how to value and evaluate the use of entertainment, entertainment branding, small vs. large properties, and entertainment as a profit-builder.

The fourth educational program is WGCE's first ever Bear Stearns Corporate Presentations on Wednesday, September 23 and Thursday, September 24 specifically for board members, presidents, and chief financial officers as well as institutional investors, stock analysts, brokers, and investment professionals. Presentations will address growth and expansion issues, shifting market conditions, and corporate strategies that impact stock values.

"Each of these programs represents an opportunity for executives and managers to acquire knowledge they won't find anywhere else," said Trade Show Director Alan Liebensohn. "We've assembled a lot of talent all under one tent, and our focus is entirely on issues related to performance and profitability."

World Gaming Congress & Expo '98 opens officially on Wednesday, September 23. WGCE's three-day conference will feature approximately 100 educational sessions and 350 speakers. Among the new topics this year are a detailed "inside" look at casino resort operations, including the luxury room and room amenities, energy management, and retail integration; and the industry's response to the Year 2000 computer problem. The American Gaming Association (AGA) will present a track that includes a forecast of the final report expected from the National Gambling Impact Study Commission; problem gambling and the future of the gaming/entertainment industry, including issues such as unattended children and minors, advertising, and second-hand smoke; and understanding how the media shapes the public image of gaming. The AGA will also offer a half-day Responsible Gaming Certification Course.

Legendary marketing executive Sergio Zyman, who until this April headed global marketing for The Coca-Cola Company, the world's largest beverage company, will deliver the keynote address at 9:00 am on September 23. Zyman will speak on "Failure: The Key to Success?". Zyman will meet with the press immediately following his presentation.

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World Gaming Congress & Expo (WGCE) 1998