13th European Conference on Gambling Studies and Policy Issues

Event Type:Conference
When:6-9 September 2022
Where:Thon Ullevaal Stadion Hotel
Sognsveien 77C
Oslo, Oslo, Norway 0855
Audience:Responsible Gaming
Event Organizer:European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG)

The aim of the European Association for the Study of Gambling (EASG) is to increase the dialogue between all who are professionally involved in commercial gaming and gambling. This includes governments or governmental bodies, the gambling industry, those who have made gaming and gambling a subject of scientific study and those who are working in the problem gambling treatment field, gamblers themselves and interested public. The Conference brings together experts from all over the world and from a wide variety of disciplines.

Sessions scheduled for the 2022 conference, focused on connecting differences, include:

Women and gambling addiction
The Norwegian model
Regulations and the role of the industry
Regulators, how far do we go?
New Frontiers in Women Disorders: An international female perspective in clinic and research
Research, all around
Betting / match fixing and advertising a conflict of Interest?
Prevention all over
Lived Experience
What can we learn from the past and what will the future bring? Boomers and Zoomers!
Women and Gambling Special
AI in general and in particular
What can we learn from a treatment perspective
Research and problem gambling
Prevention, what to do?
Research: characteristic/analytics
RG and the industry
New ways
Research and treatment
The role of the authority and what with COVID-19
More industry issues
Business as usual?
Responsible gambling strategies
Lost in diversity
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