2023 First Nations Canadian Gaming Awards

Event Type:Award Ceremony
When:14 April 2023
Where:Metro Toronto Convention Centre
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Audience:Land Based Gaming
Event Organizer:SBC

The annual First Nations Canadian Gaming Awards will be presented at the Canadian Gaming Summit during the First Nations meet up on Wednesday June 14th.

These awards recognize First Nations gaming as a significant contributor to the growth and development of First Nation communities by providing much needed revenue and employment opportunities to First Nations people across Canada. The First Nations
Canadian Gaming Awards were founded to shine a well-deserved spotlight on the accomplishments of some of the many First Nations individuals who have contributed positively to the gaming industry and to publicly acknowledge the hard work of the best and brightest members of the First Nations gaming community. Support of this Awards Program provides organizations with the chance to highlight their commitment to the industry. The First Nations Canadian Gaming Awards Program recognizes outstanding service by Aboriginal people employed by a First Nation Casino within Canada, and offers the opportunity for prestigious awards to be given each year under various