Alberta Gaming Research Institute's 11th Annual Conference: The Causes of Problem Gambling

Event Type:Conference
When:12-14 April 2012
Where:The Banff Centre
Banff, Alberta, Canada
Audience:Responsible Gaming

The Alberta Gaming Research Institute is a consortium of the University of Alberta, University of Calgary, and the University of Lethbridge. Its primary purpose is to support and promote research into gaming and gambling in the province. The identified research domains include bio-psychological and health care, socio-cultural, economic, and government and industry policy and practice. The Institute hosts an annual conference relating to a specific aspect of gaming and gambling research. In addition, internationally renowned invited speakers are periodically invited to present their findings to the Institute.

The theme of the Institute's 2012 conference is "The Causes of Problem Gambling". This conference will discuss the latest research on the causes of problem gambling with a focus on the correlates, the stories of problem gamblers, and the results of major longitudinal studies.