Belgrade Future Gaming

Event Type:Tradeshow
When:27-28 May 2025
Where:Belgrade Fair
Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 14
Belgrade, Serbia 11000
Audience:Land Based Gaming

Recognizing the needs of a growing market, the Belgrade Future Gaming trade fair will enable you to keep pace with the global trends, get familiar with and acquire state-of-the-art equipment, software support and accompanying services relevant for this industry.

The first event was held in 2007, as a unique opportunity for the manufacturers of gambling machines, software and accessories to present their products for the first time in Southeastern Europe. In recent years, this trade fair has gathered the leading global manufacturers of products and platforms within the Gaming industry and claimed the very top, as the highest quality manifestation and most visited event of this kind in Southeastern Europe, and a gathering place for all important players.