Canadian Responsible Gambling Council Discovery 2008 Conference

Event Type:Conference
When:14-16 April 2008
Where:Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Audience:Responsible Gaming
Event Organizer:Responsible Gambling Council

Ottawa was the place to be April 13th – 16th as RGC presented the Discovery 2008 conference. With numerous sightseeing possibilities just outside The Westin doors enthusiastic conference participants chose to instead join colleagues in what was frequently cited as RGC’s best conference ever.
LGen. The Honourable Romeo Dallaire (Ret’d) brought the audience to their feet with his stirring keynote address on Leadership. Sessions encouraged dialogue through panelist discussions, the use of live polling technology and real-time glimpses into perspectives of gamblers. Conference participants shared their views with presenters and each other as we all came together to discover new ways to understand and prevent gambling-related problems.

The Council would like to thank everyone who contributed their expertise and energy during our 25th Anniversary Discovery 2008 conference.