Casino Marketing Bootcamp 2020

Event Type:Seminar
When:9-10 March 2020
Where:Hotel Mazarin
New Orleans , Louisiana
Audience:Land Based Gaming
Event Organizer:J Carcamo & Associates

Casino Marketing Boot Camp is a two-day intensive workshop to give casino marketers the opportunity to get all of those great ideas that you've jotted down or mentally noted and turn them into action. The idea is to guide marketers in building 30-60-90-365 day plans.

The Casino Marketing Boot Camp has five goals:
1. To inspire marketers with speakers and activities they haven’t had access to before.
2. To address issues marketers face daily, items that keep you up at night.
3. To reach out beyond the gaming industry for new ideas.
4. To connect participants with colleagues using candor and expertise from those who face similar challenges.
5. To send participants away with tactics and strategies you can put together in action the day you return to your property.