Following on from the success of the Retail Seminar (“Time
to get back to Basics!”) in Dublin in November 2011, La
Française des Jeux will host a Lottery Retailing Workshop
in Paris on November 6, 2012.
Under the theme of “Reinventing Retail … Think Retailer!”,
the workshop will be highly interactive and will have a
minimum of papers and formal presentations.
An external keynote speaker will set the scene for a
number of round table discussion groups which will cover
key issues such as best practices in …
- Market Intelligence support
- Refocus the Sales Force
- Strategy for optimal agent distribution, selection
and training
- Agent contracts, commission / bonus schemes
- Responsible Gaming
- Integrating Retail with the “endless aisle” of online sales
(Internet etc.)
- Build Real Relationships with Retail Groups
- In store digital signage
- Instant ticket vending machines
- Lottery In-lane
- Develop a Retail Agent Portal
The workshop will provide participants with the
opportunity to exchange experiences with Retail selling
and will also be complemented with a number of Retail
Case Studies for discussion.