European Lotteries (EL) Round Table on Electronic Gaming Machines (EGM’s) 2014

Event Type:Seminar
When:28 April 2014
Where:GLO Hotel Espoo Sello
Helsinki, Finland
Event Organizer:The European Lotteries Association

This round table will be of interest to all those EL members who offer games via EGM’s or who are planning to introduce such games.

It will also be of interest to Partner Suppliers who support this gaming channel.
There have been a number of developments, both technical and regulatory/legislative at a national and community level that could have serious repercussions for this gaming segment; this round table is your opportunity to update your knowledge and keep abreast of developments.

The format will consist of two presentations, followed by an intensive exchange of experiences. These exchanges will provide the basis for a number of discussions on the key issues currently facing this gaming segment.