Gambling with Security: Hospitality and Gaming Face High Stakes

Event Type:Conference
When:17-18 June 2003
Where:Las Vegas Convention Center
3275 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
Audience:Land Based Gaming

The Homeland Education Resource Organization, (HERO), a limited liability company with offices in Washington, D.C., and Manhattan, hosts this conference aimed at top-level executives from casinos and hotels as well as the insurance and security sectors, addressing the pertinent security issues facing the gaming industry. With the support of the Department of Homeland Security and the Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS), HERO seeks to establish a major public-private alliance to increase the security of the gaming industry. HERO provides the platform for prominent experts in many fields including high-ranking government officials, seasoned security professionals, terrorist profilers, leading architects, and insurance experts, who offer concrete advice on disaster preparedness and managing the risk of terrorism.

Gambling with Security: Hospitality and Gaming Face High Stakes News
HERO Hosts Gambling Conference
27 May 2003
The Homeland Education Resource Organization will host a conference entitled `Gambling with Security: Hospitality and Gaming Face High Stakes’ on June 17 & 18 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. read more »