Gaming in Spain Business Drink Madrid

Event Type:Party
When:11 September 2012 07:00 PM-09.00 PM
Where:Real Café Bernabéu
Madrid, Spain
Audience:Online Gaming
Event Organizer:Gaming in EU

Gaming in Spain is hosting a GamingInSpain Drink in Madrid. This is a good way to network with your industry peers.

This networking event is sponsored by iGB EspaƱa, the conference that takes place from 11-14 October in Fira de Barcelona. Marit is one of the organizers, and she is coming over from London to tell you all about this event, including an exclusive discount for participants to this networking event. The first round of drinks is by their invitation :)
Please RSVP.

This is for members of Gaming in Spain only, if you are not yet member, please join today.

Alphabetical Exhibitor Listing

Exhibitors and Sponsors
1. iGB Espana  (Sponsor)

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