Gaming Technology Summit 2006

Event Type:Conference
When:24-25 May 2006
Where:Green Valley Ranch Resort & Spa
2300 Paseo Verde Pkwy
Henderson, Nevada 89052
Audience:Land Based Gaming
Event Organizer:BNP Media

The Gaming Technology Summit is the gaming industry's hottest conference, full of hands-on technology updates, insights and strategies, addressing real-world technology challenges and solutions for all segments of the gaming industry. Each year, some of the industry’s brightest stars share their knowledge in an exciting conference lineup that features great new topics as well as returning favorites.

Gaming Technology Summit 2006 News
PokerPro Wins Gaming Technology Summit Award
30 May 2006
PokerPro, PokerTek's revolutionary poker table, won the Platinum Award for the Most Innovative Technology Product for 2005. read more »