Global Gaming Expo - Global Gaming Expo (G2E) 2010

Global Gaming Expo (G2E) 2010

Event Type:Tradeshow
When:16-18 November 2010
Where:Las Vegas Convention Center
3275 Paradise Road
Where:Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
Audience:Land Based Gaming, Online Gaming

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Entertainment and Special Events > Entertainment Exhibitors

 1. Californeon Lighting Booth 365
 2. Chetu, Inc. Booth 1271
 3. Citizen Systems America Corporation Booth 2611
 4. Miles Mosley and Band Booth N623
 5. Rojas Talent Group, Inc. Booth N523
 6. Star Tickets, Inc. Booth N607
 7. Stardust Showgirls Booth N708
 8. The Partland Brothers Booth N611
 9. Thomas Nicholas Band Booth N624
 10. Triangle Talent, Inc. Booth N601
 11. Turner Music & Events Booth N524