Great Plains/Rocky Mountain/Midwest Tradeshow & Conference (GPIGA) 2011

Event Type:Tradeshow
When:16-18 May 2011
Where:Mystic Lake Casino & Hotel
2400 Mystic Lake Boulevard Northwest
Prior Lake, Minnesota 55372
Audience:Indian Gaming
Event Organizer:Great Plains Indian Gaming Association

The Great Plains Indian Gaming Association (GPIGA) is a voluntary association composed of 24 federally recognized Tribal Nations in the Great Plains Region. GPIGA includes Tribes with gaming compacts in North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa. The member Tribal Nations have jurisdiction over approximately 15 million trust acres and approximately 250,000 Tribal members. Every year, GPIGA holds a conference where tribal leaders come together to meet, network, discuss common issues, and see the latest gaming products and services.

Great Plains/Rocky Mountain/Midwest Tradeshow & Conference (GPIGA) 2011 News
NIGC to hold a regulatory review consultation
20 Apr 2011
The National Indian Gaming Commission will hold a consultation on May 16, 2011 at Mystic Lake Casino and Resort in Prior Lake, Minnesota. These consultations are an opportunity for Tribal leaders to provide substantive input during the regulatory review process. read more »