IAGA - International Association of Gaming Advisors 2022 International Gaming Summit

Event Type:Conference
When:27-29 June 2022
Where:Fairmont Copley Plaza
138 St. James Avenue
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Audience:Legal and Regulatory
Event Organizer:International Association of Gaming Advisors

The IAGA Annual Summit is the global gaming industry’s premier annual event that brings together leaders from all industry sectors and provides an unparalleled opportunity to meet and discuss the top issues and challenges facing gaming today.

Putting together a comprehensive two-day agenda focused on key issues facing the global gaming industry is no small task, and this year's International Gaming Summit agenda reflects the hard work and commitment of a planning committee that includes representation from all over the world.

We are extremely thankful for the committee's efforts not only in preparing a thought-provoking and extensive agenda but also for their efforts in sourcing each session's topic experts.