Italian Gaming Expo 2025

Event Type:Conference
When:9-10 April 2025
Where:Palazzo dei Congressi
Rome, Italy
Audience:Online Gaming, Affiliate, Land Based Gaming
Event Organizer:Gioco News

Italy is home to many of the strongest and most innovative companies in the sector and the Italian market has often developed new approaches to adapt to an evolving regulatory landscape, most recently with the introduction of strict restrictions on advertising and promotion of betting and gaming operators.

The event will bring together the most influential decision makers and experts on the Italian market , who will share their views on the evolving challenges in the changing regulatory framework, the key factors for success in Italy, innovations in game and service development, as well as anticipating the new era of the online and retail market after the great upheaval of recent years and in view of the upcoming reforms.

Italian Gaming Expo will feature conference sessions, workshops/roundtables, one-on-one networking and product showcases in Italian , with all sessions available with live English translations for international audiences.

Speakers will include industry representatives and experts, members of the Government and Parliament, institutions, regulators, authorities and law enforcement agencies that gravitate around the gaming world.

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