Event Type: | Party |
When: | 7 February 2016 01:00 PM-04.00 PM |
Where: | Latymers |
| 157 Hammersmith Road |
| London, England |
Website: | www.igbaffiliate.com/events/londonaffiliateconference/schedule/sunday-7th-feb
Audience: | Affiliate |
Event Organizer: | iGaming Business |
The Sunday Session is a long-standing iGB Affiliate event tradition. This year we will be heading to Latymers in Hammersmith for a classic English Sunday afternoon pint.
The Latymers was a well-known music venue in the 70's, with bands such as AC/DC and Metallica amongst those to play, nowadays it is a traditional English local pub that serves excellent Thai food. We think it's the perfect place to wind down after a busy conference.