National Center for Responsible Gaming 16th Annual Conference on Gambling and Addiction

National Center for Responsible Gaming 16th Annual Conference on Gambling and Addiction

Event Type:Conference
When:27-29 September 2015
Where:Congress Center at The Venetian and Palazzo
Las Vegas, Nevada
Audience:Responsible Gaming
Event Organizer:International Center for Responsible Gaming

The National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) is pleased to invite you to the 16th Annual NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction, the premiere annual forum on gambling disorder and responsible gaming. Healthcare providers, researchers, public health professionals, gaming regulators and gaming industry professionals will convene in Las Vegas to learn about the latest research on gambling disorder, responsible gaming and addiction from leaders in the field, while exchanging ideas with attendees from all over the world.

Featuring one of the most diverse audiences of all gambling conferences, the NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction strives to meet the varied needs and interests of attendees by offering the following:

  • A special track for gaming regulators and industry exploring the use of science to develop and evaluate responsible gaming programs and regulations designed to reduce gambling-related harms
  • Up to 15 continuing education hours accepted by the American Psychological Association, NAADAC, and other certifying agencies for healthcare providers
  • A pre-con workshop for clinicians led by one of the leading CBT trainers in the nation
  • A poster session providing researchers and students the opportunity to showcase their new research on gambling disorder
  • A pre-con workshop for researchers on working with the media

Once again, the NCRG Conference on Gambling and Addiction boasts the highest quality programming relevant to all stakeholders in the gambling field. We hope you can join us in September!