National Center for Responsible Gaming 5th Annual Conference on Gambling and Addiction

Event Type:Conference
When:5-7 December 2004
Where:MGM Grand Hotel & Casino
3799 South Las Vegas Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
Audience:Responsible Gaming
Event Organizer:International Center for Responsible Gaming

The National Center for Responsible Gaming is the only national organization exclusively devoted to funding research that helps increase understanding of pathological and youth gambling and find effective methods of treatment for the disorder. The NCRG is the American Gaming Association’s (AGA) affiliated charity. Each year, the NCRG hosts a Conference on Gambling and Addiction to discuss issues with gaming industry executives. This three-day conference provides a unique forum where all stakeholders in the field of gambling disorders and responsible gaming come together to discuss the latest research, share best practices and explore real-world applications for new scientific findings.

National Center for Responsible Gaming 5th Annual Conference on Gambling and Addiction News
Conference to Focus on Problem Gambling
6 Dec 2004
Those who treat individuals with addictive disorders could now view compulsive gambling in the same manner as alcoholism and drug abuse, according to a study this month in a Harvard University publication. read more »

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