National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) Mid-Year Conference 2010

Event Type:Conference
When:20-23 June 2010
Where:Rapid City, South Dakota
Audience:Indian Gaming
Event Organizer:National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)

NCAI serves to secure the rights and benefits to which Native American peoples are entitled; to enlighten the public toward the better understanding of the Indian people; to preserve rights under Indian treaties or agreements with the United States; and to promote the common welfare of the American Indians and Alaska Natives. Current issues and activities of the NCAI include:
Protection of programs and services to benefit Indian families, specifically targeting Indian Youth and elders; Promotion and support of Indian education, including Head Start, elementary, post-secondary and Adult Education;
Enhancement of Indian health care, including prevention of juvenile substance abuse, HIV-AIDS prevention and other major diseases;
Support of environmental protection and natural resources management;
Protection of Indian cultural resources and religious freedom rights;
Promotion of the Rights of Indian economic opportunity both on and off reservations, including securing programs to provide incentives for economic development and the attraction of private capital to Indian Country
Protection of the Rights of all Indian people to decent, safe and affordable housing. NCAI convenes an annual mid-year conference to discuss issues affecting Indian country.