National Tribal Gaming Commissioners/Regulators Conference Spring 2018

Event Type:Conference
When:20-22 March 2018
Where:Northern Quest Resort & Casino
Airway Heights, Washington
Audience:Indian Gaming
Event Organizer:National Tribal Gaming Commissioners & Regulators

The National Tribal Gaming Commissioners/Regulators Spring 2018 conference will be March 20-22, 2018 at Northern Quest Resort & Casino, which is owned and operated by the Kalispel Tribe located in Airway Heights, Washington (near Spokane).

The purpose of the NTGC/R is to:

  • Promote cooperative relationships among the commissioners/regulators of Tribal gaming enterprises and other organizations;
  • Promote exchange of thoughts, information and ideas which foster regulatory standards and enforcement that lead to consistent regulatory practices and methods of operations among the NTGC/R members;
  • Promote educational seminars, which include commission/regulatory training, and other related activities;and
  • The NTGC/R may act as a gaming regulatory advisory group to Tribal gaming organizations and others.

Since the year 2000, NTGC/R under its present leadership and with the assistance of numerous hard working committee members, has held two national conferences a year (spring and fall).

The focus of the conferences is regulatory education. Nationally known figures in Tribal gaming provide informative general session presentations, and an extensive agenda of specialized quality training seminars are conducted by highly competent and experienced instructors.

The NTGC/R is a strong, financially sound organization. Recent conferences typically have had approximately 200 Tribal regulators in attendance, representing fifty or more Tribal regulatory agencies from coast to coast.

Membership is not required for attendance at NTGC/R conferences. All Tribal regulators, as well as Tribal leaders, are encouraged to attend and obtain education in all areas concerning the regulation of Tribal gaming.

NTGC/R invites you to its future conferences and encourages your membership in this growing, one of a kind, organization.