NIGA Indian Gaming 2008 Tradeshow & Convention

NIGA Indian Gaming 2008 Tradeshow & Convention

Event Type:Tradeshow
When:20-23 April 2008
Where:San Diego Convention Center
111 West Harbor Drive
San Diego, California 92010
Audience:Indian Gaming
Event Organizer:Indian Gaming Association

The National Indian Gaming Association's (NIGA) Indian Gaming Tradeshow and Convention is the nation's premier Indian gaming event where Indian gaming executives, buyers, and industry professionals meet each spring to conduct serious business. If you are currently doing business in or want to begin doing business in the Indian casino-entertainment industry, you can't afford to miss being a part of the Indian gaming industry’s number one event.

Alphabetical Exhibitor Listing
View Indian Gaming Association exhibitors by products and services offered

Exhibitors and Sponsors
1. AC Coin & Slot  Booth 643
2. Acrosser USA Booth 1853
3. Acura Neon, Inc. Booth 648
4. AD Kickin SOLUTIONS Booth 2330
5. Ad Pro  Booth 644
6. Adaptive Micro Systems  Booth 758
7. ADP Time & Labor Management Booth 760
8. Adrian Wall Booth 2213
9. Agilysys  Booth 433
10. Ainsworth Game Technology  Booth 1926
11. Airistar Technologies, LLC  Booth 1052
12. Allenroy Paquin  Booth 2313
13. Amaya Gaming Group  Booth 1353
14. American Dynamics  Booth 134
15. American Engineered Products, LLC Booth 1510
16. American Indian Business Network  Booth 2326
17. American Indian College Fund  Booth 2422
18. American Indian Film Institute Booth 2357
19. American Indian Graduate Center  Booth 2328
20. American International Group (AIG)  Booth 1040
21. Analytical Environmental Services (AES) Booth 1730
22. Annaleece  Booth 2047
23. AP-ID, Inc.  Booth 1020
24. Apunix Computer Services  Booth 1732
25. Aristocrat Technologies, Inc  Booth 1217
26. Arthur Hills/Steve Forest and Associates  Booth 1947
27. Artie Yellowhorse Booth 2307
28. Aruze Booth 748
29. ASAI  Booth 458
30. Ascent Technology, Inc.  Booth 434
31. ASCG Incorporated Architects Engineers Booth 415
32. Ashcom Technologies  Booth 1802
33. At Work Uniforms Booth 1254
34. Atronic Americas, LLC Booth 1431
35. Automated Valet Parking Manager  Booth 1923
36. Avatier Corporation  Booth 914
37. AVDB Group, Inc. Booth 2048
38. Avendra, LLC  Booth 1709
39. Aventura Technologies, Inc. Booth 2355
40. Avi Resort & Casino Booth 1249
41. Bally Technologies Booth 1423
42. Bank  Booth 1907
43. Bella Bagno, Inc.  Booth 1749
44. Berg Company  Booth 1150
45. Betracer Booth 1953
46. Betson Imperial parts and Service Co.  Booth 1850
47. Bilagaanas Jewelry Booth 1508
48. Bioclimatic  Booth 136
49. Blackhorse Studio Booth 2412
50. Blue Sky Marketing  Booth 1334
51. BMM Compliance Booth 1519
52. BNP Media Gaming Group Booth 1752
53. Bomel Construction, Inc. Booth 1751
54. Bonnie Kahn's Wild West Gallery Booth 2308
55. BOSC, Inc./BOK Booth 350
56. Boyd Coffee Company Booth 1154
57. Branan Medical Corporation Booth 1922
58. Brian Preston Booth 2311
59. Brilliant Concepts Booth 1607
60. Brown & Brown Insurance Booth 1932
61. Brunswick Bowling & Billiards  Booth 1113
62. Bulova Corporation  Booth 932
63. C.W. Driver Booth 2120
64. C2 Gaming Booth 149
65. CADDO Solutions  Booth 233
66. Cadillac Jack Booth 1539
67. California Blimps  Booth 1803
68. Card Scanning Solutions Booth 1841
69. Cartamundi, Inc.  Booth 1750
70. Cash Systems Inc Booth 1331
71. CashCode Booth 1915
72. Cashscan Corp.  Booth 843
73. Casino Careers OnLine & Casino Executive Search  Booth 1013
74. Casino City Press  Booth 1151
75. Casino Creations  Booth 845
76. Casino Data Imaging  Booth 1016
77. Casino Development Management Services (CDMS) Booth 1827
78. Casino Enterprise Management Magazine Booth 514
79. Casino Games & Equipment, LLC Booth 152
80. Casino Gaming Source Booth 849
81. Casino  Booth 1332
82. Casino Retail Development / Fashion Outlets Booth 1821
83. Casino Sports Marketing Booth 2121
84. CasinoSoft  Booth 2333
85. Cemrock Landscapes, Inc Booth 1862
86. Certegy Gaming Services  Booth 117
87. Champagne Showgirls Inc.  Booth 429
88. Chris and Michelle Tafoya Booth 2310
89. CINTAS Corporation  Booth 951
90. CIS Insurance Group/Program Sovereign Indian Nations  Booth 1049
91. Claim Jumper Restaurant Booth 1962
92. Clipper Mill Booth 215
93. CNIGA  Booth 1860
94. Coastal Design and Development Group Booth 2351
95. Cobalt Flux, Inc. Booth 958
96. Coca Cola Booth 1745
97. Codespace Gaming, Inc.  Booth 1925
98. Cole Industries, Inc Booth 1942
99. Connections IT, Inc.  Booth 1557
100. Cordeck  Booth 1142
101. Cordero's Custom Flooring / Mondo USA Booth 2155
102. Corporate Drug & Alcohol Specialists, Inc. Booth 1232
103. COST of WI., Inc. Booth 825
104. CPI Card Group  Booth 416
105. Creative i Advertising & Promotion Booth 1114
106. Crisis Prevention Institute  Booth 1941
107. CRM Learning Booth 2031
108. Crossley Axminster, Inc.  Booth 1155
109. Crown Casino Seating LLC Booth 2335
110. Cumming Corporation Booth 1350
111. Cummins-Allison Corp. Booth 851
112. Cuningham Group  Booth 535
113. CYRUN Corporation  Booth 832
114. Dehydration Environmental Systems, Inc Booth 2438
115. Deister Electronics USA, Inc.  Booth 2231
116. Digital FTO  Booth 352
117. Discover Native America Booth 258
118. DiTronics Financial Services  Booth 330
119. DREXX Booth 2361
120. Duane Maktima Studio Booth 2304
121. Dunham Associates  Booth 1112
122. Durkan Hospitality  Booth 2235
123. Dynamic Air Quality Solutions Booth 530
124. Eagle-Schiffner-Jensen Fey Architects - Webcor Builders Booth 1861
125. Ear Phone Connection Booth 640
126. EasyBar Beverage Management Systems  Booth 1961
127. Eclipse Compliance Testing  Booth 2334
128. Economics Research Associates Booth 940
129. Egghart & Associates, LLC Booth 841
130. EGM Green Booth 2432
131. Ellis Gaming and Entertainment Booth 949
132. Emerald Systems, Inc. - A St. Croix Chippewa Enterprise Booth 255
133. Entertainment Plus Productions, Inc.  Booth 541
134. Epicure Digital Menu System  Booth 1734
135. eSteel Design-Build Group, LLC  Booth 2033
136. Euro Games Technology, Ltd  Booth 942
137. Express Diagnostics International, Inc. Booth 1230
138. FabriTec Structures  Booth 1814
139. Facestation Limited Booth 1252
140. Farmer Brothers Coffee Booth 349
141. FatBurger Corp.  Booth 1055
142. Fenco  Booth 2260
143. Fike Corporation Booth 2148
144. Finley & Cook Booth 1553
145. First Advantage HRLogix  Booth 1707
146. First American Bankcard, Inc Booth 2362
147. First Americans Insurance Services Booth 1134
148. First Fishermen Seafood Booth 2457
149. Flexfit Booth 351
150. Flintco, Inc.  Booth 326
151. Fluoresco Lighting & Signs  Booth 448
152. Focus 360 Booth 2418
153. FOOD-TRAK Booth 231
154. Fort McDowell Casino Booth 547
155. Frank and Evelyn Chee  Booth 2411
156. Free Axez USA  Booth 1652
157. FutureLogic, Inc. Booth 1026
158. GA Wright Marketing, Inc. Booth 1133
159. Gabriel Group  Booth 2126
160. Game-Tec Labs Booth 814
161. GameLogic, Inc. Booth 1820
162. GameTech Booth 2221
163. Gaming Laboratories International, Inc.  Booth 531
164. Gaming Partners International - GPI Booth 1313
165. Gaming Support USA Inc.  Booth 950
166. Gaming Tickets, Inc.  Booth 548
167. Gary Platt Manufacturing, Inc.  Booth 340
168. Gasser Chair Company, Inc.  Booth 1035
169. Genesis Air, Inc.  Booth 1714
170. Genesis Gaming Solutions, Inc.  Booth 545
171. Giesecke & Devrient  Booth 1809
172. Gitchi Gaming, Inc.  Booth 340
173. Global Cash Access  Booth 217
174. Global Gaming Expo - G2E  Booth 1051
175. Global Gaming Solutions/Chickasaw Nations Booth 1940
176. Global Payments Gaming Services Booth 315
177. Glory (USA), Inc.  Booth 2338
178. Grand Canyon University Booth 141
179. Great American Insurance Group  Booth 1748
180. Group West Companies PLLC  Booth 1417
181. H.H. Robertson Electrified Floor System Booth 1629
182. Harrah's Rincon Casino and Resort Booth 145
183. Hcareers  Booth 242
184. Heavy Industries South  Booth 1945
185. Heber Limited Booth 2443
186. Hnedak Bobo Group Booth 639
187. Horizon Engineering Services Company Booth 1135
188. Hospitality Furniture Booth 1902
189. HospitalityCare an Insurance Applications Group, LLC Solution Booth 913
190. Hummingbird 'Flights of Fancy' LLC Booth 334
191. Hunt Construction Group, Inc. Booth 2321
192. Hunter Amenities Int, Ltd Booth 2233
193. Hypnotist Scott Ward Booth 2341
194. I-5 Design and Manufacture, Inc.  Booth 2350
195. IBM - Native American Casinos & Tribes  Booth 331
196. Icee & Lanikai Frozen Cocktails Booth 452
197. ICI Design Group Booth 118
198. Icom America Inc.  Booth 1058
199. ID Interactive Booth 2007
200. IDPoint Booth 1904
201. IGT  Booth 517
202. Image One Marketing Group, Inc.  Booth 2024
203. Image Sales, Inc.  Booth 2262
204. INAG Inc  Booth 150
205. Incentive Concepts  Booth 246
206. Indian Country Expressions Booth 2212
207. Indian Country Interior Solutions Booth 1721
208. Indian Country Interior Solutions Booth 1810
209. Indian Country Today  Booth 1042
210. Indian Gaming Magazine  Booth 739
211. Indian Nationals Final Rodeo Booth 2430
212. Indigenous Language Institute Booth 2225
213. Infinium Software  Booth 430
214. Ingenus Management and Consulting  Booth 2151
215. Innovative Casino Products, Inc.  Booth 2347
216. Innovative Marketing Consultants  Booth 120
217. Inter-Tribal Economic Alliance Booth 2428
218. Intermec/BarCode Specialties Booth 2439
219. International Gaming Institute Booth 1825
220. International Parking Design, Inc  Booth 2251
221. ISG Booth 1615
222. Ishpi , LLC Booth 2025
223. Jack Hickey, Jr. Booth 2312
224. Jani-King, Inc.  Booth 2239
225. JCJ Architecture  Booth 1031
226. JCM Global  Booth 1729
227. JE Dunn Construction  Booth 948
228. Jefferson Wells Booth 1950
229. Jesse & Bertha Paul Booth 2208
230. JFF Uniforms  Booth 1649
231. JMA Architects  Booth 930
232. Johnny and Sharolyn Webster Booth 2207
233. Johnson Business Machines, Inc.  Booth 1014
234. Joseph Eve & Company, LLP  Booth 1233
235. Joseph's Gourmet Pasta Booth 2319
236. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.  Booth 1943
237. Kampgrounds of America - KOA  Booth 1848
238. Key Bank - Native American Financial Services  Booth 1823
239. Kitchell Contractors  Booth 1148
240. KKE Architects, Inc. Booth 1213
241. KlasRobinson QED  Booth 821
242. Konami Gaming Inc.  Booth 1619
243. KP Gaming Supplies, Inc Booth 2417
244. Label Rite, Inc.  Booth 1212
245. Las Vegas Gaming Booth 1549
246. Leo A Daly  Booth 730
247. Lexington Booth 1039
248. Libra Securities, LLC Booth 947
249. Lisa Chavez-Thomas Booth 2309
250. Litefoot Ventures, Inc. Booth 2325
251. Luminous Media USA LLC. Booth 2431
252. Macy's Corporate Sales and Services Booth 124
253. Mail America Booth 759
254. Marsh Risk & Insurance Services  Booth 646
255. Marsh's Trading Post Booth 1250
256. Martinez Indian Arts  Booth 2206
257. Masque Publishing/Spanish 21  Booth 1518
258. Maxwell Paper Products  Booth 1929
259. McGovern & Greene LLP  Booth 317
260. MEI  Booth 1026
261. MGM Communications Booth 1924
262. Micro Gaming  Booth 1060
263. MICROS Systems, Inc.  Booth 2044
264. Mike Curtis Booth 2406
265. Milliken Carpet Booth 1806
266. MLP Seating Corp  Booth 733
267. Moen Incorporated  Booth 1045
268. Money Controls  Booth 116
269. Moss Adams LLP  Booth 1939
270. Motion Technology, Inc./Autofry Multi Chrp Booth 549
271. Mountainview Marketing Services  Booth 933
272. Muckleshoot Indian Casino Booth 2019
273. Mukwa Teepees & Great Bear Fashions Booth 2407
274. Mul-T-Lock USA, Inc  Booth 2128
275. Multi-Choice Cash  Booth 132
276. MultiMedia Games, Inc. Booth 321
277. Muzak, LLC Booth 2124
278. MVP Gaming, Inc. Booth 1635
279. Nanoptix  Booth 2023
280. Nation Protective Services Booth 959
281. National American Indian Housing Council Booth 2046
282. National Center for Responsible Gaming  Booth 1231
283. National Council on Problem Gambling Booth 2229
284. National Development Network, Inc. Booth 2345
285. National HIV Testing Mobilization Campaign Booth 2038
286. National Indian Child Welfare Association Booth 2332
287. National Indian Gaming Association  Booth 1234
288. National Indian Gaming Association  Booth 244
289. National Indian Gaming Commission  Booth 1312
290. National Indian Youth Leadership Project Booth 2425
291. National Tribal Development Association Booth 2454
292. Native American Business Solutions  Booth 1360
293. Native American Casino Booth 633
294. Native American Contractors Association Booth 2322
295. Native American Enterprises  Booth 1960
296. Native American Rights Fund Booth 2222
297. Native Built Booth 2410
298. Native Green  Booth 2324
299. Native Green Energy Booth 2329
300. Native Health Group, LLC Booth 2455
301. Native Naturals-American Indian Spa Line  Booth 260
302. Native Style Clothing Booth 2327
303. Native Trading Associates Booth 2049
304. Native Voice Booth 2427
305. Navajo Designs/Cindy Natay Booth 2402
306. Navajo Jewelry & Crafts Booth 2306
307. NCR Corporation  Booth 240
308. NEDCO Supply Booth 348
309. New Horizon Designer Glass Booth 2254
310. New Horizon Kids Quest, Inc Booth 1053
311. New Wave Automation Booth 1214
312. NICE Systems, Inc. Booth 2135
313. North America Gaming, Inc. Booth 154
314. Northeast Wisconsin Technical College Booth 2021
315. Northstar Marketing Communications Group Booth 2119
316. Norwegian Cruise Line, Casinos at Sea Booth 451
317. Nouveautes USA Booth 2115
318. NOVA Gaming, LLC  Booth 1739
319. NRT Technology Corp  Booth 2010
320. Odds On Promotion/Hole in One Intl.  Booth 1835
321. Oneida Ltd.  Booth 1255
322. Oneida Nation of Wisconsin/Radisson Hotel & Conference Center  Booth 2018
323. Optec Displays  Booth 1358
324. Oracle Corp Booth 2435
325. Oser Communications Group  Booth 249
326. Ovation Food Services Booth 1712
327. Pacific American Indian Development  Booth 2423
328. Pacific Coast Feather Co. Booth 353
329. Pacific Gaming, LLC Booth 138
330. Palace Fighting Championship Booth 834
331. Paltronics Booth 344
332. Panasonic Projector Systems Company  Booth 2026
333. Paradise Entertainment Limited  Booth 1831
334. Parsons Booth 1516
335. Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians Booth 1352
336. Pechanga.Net  Booth 2426
337. Pepsi Cola Company  Booth 447
338. Perini Building Company  Booth 417
339. Petards, Inc Booth 1251
340. Pillar Data Systems Booth 2433
341. Pinnacle Furnishings Inc  Booth 253
342. Pitney Bowes Marketing Services Booth 960
343. Pivot 3 Booth 1144
344. Planar Systems  Booth 139
345. Planet Bingo  Booth 1149
346. PLANNING Design Build, Cloward H20 and Whitewater West Industries Booth 1855
347. Play Craps, Inc Booth 142
348. PNE Corp  Booth 831
349. Potawatomi Bingo Casino Booth 1708
350. Potawatomi Business Development Corporation Booth 1933
351. Powerain Systems Inc. Booth 1153
352. Progressive Gaming International Booth 1511
353. Proven Products/Presat Cleaning Cards Booth 1913
354. PS Event Furniture/Palmer Snyder Booth 259
355. QubicaAMF  Booth 1660
356. Queue Os Gaming, Inc. (A subsidiary of Ameranth, Inc.)  Booth 2226
357. Quil Ceba Village - Tulalip Tribes Booth 454
358. Quiznos Sub Booth 1713
359. R.B. Burnham and Virginia T. Burnham Booth 2413
360. R.S. Covenant, Inc.  Booth 635
361. Rabbit Studio Booth 2203
362. Ramaker & Associates, Inc. Booth 1059
363. Raving Consulting Company  Booth 916
364. Ray Hawk Booth 2210
365. RBS Lynk Booth 1043
366. Red Circle Agency  Booth 2027
367. Red Clay People Booth 2424
368. Red Green Gaming Booth 2340
369. Red Tail Hawk Enterprises Booth 638
370. Red-Horse Financial Group, Inc. Booth 827
371. REDW LLC  Booth 735
372. Reel Games, Inc.  Booth 1719
373. Reldom Corporation  Booth 1017
374. Reliable Security Services  Booth 2147
375. REZNET Booth 2227
376. Rhode Island Novelty Booth 2442
377. Ricko DeWilde Booth 2408
378. Robert Trent Jones II, LLC  Booth 1851
379. Rocket Gaming Systems  Booth 127
380. RSM McGladrey  Booth 528
381. Rymax Marketing Services, Inc.  Booth 126
382. Sacred Power Corporation Booth 2349
383. Sara Lee Food Services  Booth 917
384. SAS  Booth 2353
385. SAY Magazine Booth 2220
386. Sbarro, Inc.  Booth 229
387. SCA Promotions  Booth 241
388. Schuff Booth 314
389. SCW Art Consulting Booth 2149
390. Secure Mobile Destruction, Inc.  Booth 1050
391. Security Door Controls  Booth 2002
392. Seminole Tribe of Florida Booth 1507
393. Seneca Cigarettes Booth 2323
394. Senior Risk Booth 2343
395. Sharp Business Systems Booth 1706
396. Shuffle Master, Inc Booth 2107
397. Silver Sun Wholesale Booth 2209
398. Sister Sky  Booth 835
399. Sky City Casino Hotel Booth 1253
400. Skyline Connections Inc. Booth 1656
401. Slot-Tickets  Booth 313
402. Smart Hospitality / Casino Vision Booth 2153
403. Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian Booth 2223
404. Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP Booth 1152
405. SOSH Architects  Booth 1330
406. Specialized Productions Inc  Booth 2437
407. Spielo, A GTECH Company Booth 1431
408. Sport View Technologies  Booth 130
409. SportGame, Inc. Booth 122
410. Sprint Nextel Corporation Booth 2241
411. Sprung Instant Structures, Inc.  Booth 2008
412. StageRight Corporation Booth 2224
413. Standard Textile Co, Inc. Booth 1911
414. Star Tickets Plus, Inc.  Booth 550
415. Stepping Stone Technologies  Booth 1921
416. Sterling Research Group, Inc. Booth 2130
417. Stowell Distributed Power Booth 1852
418. Strategic Incentive Marketing LLC Booth 912
419. Superior Administrators, Inc. Booth 2122
420. Suzo-Happ Group Booth 1026
421. Swinerton Builders  Booth 539
422. Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation Booth 939
423. Symon Communications Booth 140
424. Sysco Food Service  Booth 2256
425. Tablemax Holdings, LLC Booth 2131
426. Tai Ping  Booth 251
427. Talent Buyers Network  Booth 1117
428. Tammy Beauvais and Company Booth 1804
429. Tammy Beauvais Designs Booth 2409
430. TAS Booth 1938
431. Tech Art, Inc. Booth 660
432. Tech Results Booth 1613
433. Technical Security Integration, Inc Booth 2040
434. TekVisions, Inc.  Booth 1952
435. Ten Stix Gaming Booth 239
436. Teradata Corporation  Booth 1458
437. Teuteberg, Inc.  Booth 2339
438. Thalden-Boyd-Emery Architects  Booth 817
439. That's Entertainment International  Booth 2252
440. The Catena Company, Inc. Booth 414
441. The Innovation Group of Companies  Booth 1130
442. The Nassal Company  Booth 1038
443. Ticketforce  Booth 1909
444. TLG Gaming  Booth 1012
445. TNS Booth 2261
446. Top Line Seating, Inc  Booth 1930
447. Torn Ranch Booth 1756
448. Total Combat Entertainment Booth 450
449. Total Computer Group Booth 2429
450. Traci McCarty & Associates  Booth 2246
451. TransAct Technologies  Booth 1729
452. Travelers  Booth 631
453. TRI-AD Booth 1822
454. Triamp Group, Inc. Booth 1655
455. Tribal Consulting Solutions Booth 1843
456. Tribal First-Insuring Native America  Booth 731
457. Tropical Security Inc.  Booth 1919
458. Twin Spirit Inc.  Booth 2218
459. U.S. Bank  Booth 315
460. U.S. Foodservice Booth 1041
461. U.S. Playing Card Company  Booth 1044
462. Ulster Carpets  Booth 1728
463. Ultrasigns Electrical Advertising Booth 2360
464. Unicum Gaming (UGT)  Booth 2253
465. Unisource Screening Booth 143
466. URS Corporation Booth 954
467. Valley View Casino Booth 1829
468. Valliant Consulting  Booth 2132
469. Vantage Custom Classics  Booth 449
470. VDP Direct Booth 2248
471. VGM Club Resorts & Gaming Booth 1755
472. Video Gaming Technologies, Inc. Booth 1339
473. Video King Gaming & Entertainment  Booth 1631
474. Viejas Entertainment & Production Booth 1735
475. Vision Building Systems  Booth 1812
476. Vision Gaming & Technology, Inc. Booth 1502 and 1504
477. VOA Associates Booth 2127
478. VSR Lock, Inc.  Booth 2035
479. Walsh Bishop Booth 812
480. Waterbird Studio LLC Booth 2420
481. Weiser Designs Booth 335
482. Wells Fargo Bank  Booth 839
483. Wendell Sakiestewa Booth 2303
484. West Coast Gaming, Inc. Booth 148
485. West Coast Gaming, Inc. Booth 156
486. Western Door Audio-Visual Booth 2441
487. Western Money Systems Booth 953
488. White Conveyors  Booth 551
489. WhiteSand Consulting  Booth 1704
490. Wild Card Golf Booth 227
491. Willis Risk and Insurance Services Booth 1140
492. Winona Monroe Booth 2214
493. Wireless Ronin Technologies/Earthstream Media Booth 2125
494. Wiremold/Legrand  Booth 2331
495. WMS Gaming Booth 1021
496. Worth Group  Booth 431
497. Wyandotte Energy  Booth 1949
498. Y.C. Cable USA, Inc.  Booth 1131
499. Yavapai-Apache Nation / Cliff Castle Casino Booth 2440
500. Young Electric Sign Company  Booth 1651
501. Zizzazz Booth 2456

NIGA Indian Gaming 2008 Tradeshow & Convention News
Aristocrat brings future of gaming to NIGA
16 Apr 2008
Aristocrat will be showing its new VIRIDIAN cabinet and GEN7 platform at the NIGA 08. read more »

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