Pokerexpo - November 2011

Event Type:Tradeshow
When:25-26 November 2011
Where:Casino Gran Madrid
A-6 Km. 29
Torrelodones, Madrid, Comunidad de, Spain 28250
Audience:Land Based Gaming

Pokerexpo is the first Spanish global event that focuses on all the aspects of a Poker lifestyle. It will be held between the 24th and 26th of November in Madrid, where a steady growth of development opportunities both for real and on-line business are expected.

Pokerexpo will gather the entire value chain of this sector: broadcasters of online content, tournament organizers, and poker equipment manufacturers. This spanish event is being launched to analyze the actual market situation and the changing legal aspects. At the same time it will allow marketers and poker enthusiasts, looking for new business cooperation opportunities to get in touch with each other.