Social Casino Gaming Summit 2013

Social Casino Gaming Summit 2013

Event Type:Conference
When:19-20 June 2013
Where:Las Vegas, Nevada
Audience:Online Gaming, Land Based Gaming

The biggest land based casino operators and games developers meet in the heart of the gambling industry to build partnerships to power the new era of social casino gaming. This is the only place to develop your social gambling strategy, build new revenue streams, prepare for the leglization of gambling and meet the leading names in social casino gaming.

  • Create an engaging and compelling social casino game with insight from the leading gambling operators and games developers
  • Build partnerships with the biggest casino operators, igaming platforms and games developers
  • Understand how regulation and de-regulation is likely to affect your social casino offering
  • Debate the best method of monetizing your social casino players, hear case studies from the leading social casino operators
  • Consider how convergence is changing social casino gambling and what the future outlook is