Casino Affiliate Programs (CAP) Spring Break 2008

Event Type:Conference
When:21-24 May 2008
Where:Grand Resort Hotel
Limassol, Cyprus

CAP Spring Break is not your typical conference! It's an opportunity to grow your affiliate marketing world through once-in-a-lifetime education sessions and social networking. This event delivers one full week of:
Huge, sponsored parties at the hottest clubs, Sponsored activities such as golfing and sightseeing, In-depth roundtable discussions between operators and affiliates, and Relaxed networking dinners and lunches in unbelievable settings.

Casino Affiliate Programs (CAP) Spring Break 2008 News
Cyprus and Monaco adventures: Part 1
4 Jun 2008
So here we go again...I am back from Cyprus and Monaco, and what a wild ride it was. This week I will provide you with the usual online gaming conference aftermath and juicy tidbits of information for your reading pleasure. Next week I will review my experiences in Monaco with the team, Timo and Aleksi the ice throwing Fins, crazy Karim and Achmet. read more »

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