Global Interactive Gaming Summit & Expo (GIGSE) 2006 News

Casino City CEO Runs For Charity At GIGSE
1 Jun 2006
Casino City CEO Michael Corfman is finally ready to put his stunning loss at the Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo (GIGSE) Velcro Drag Races behind him, vowing, “Just wait until next year.”
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Internet Gambling Leaders Address Changes Facing the Industry at GIGSE
23 May 2006
Lawrence Lessig opened the eighth annual Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo (GIGSE) last week with an appeal to the Internet gambling industry to convince government officials to regulate online gaming.
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Annual GIGSE Conference Attracts Record Numbers
23 May 2006
Record numbers of I-gaming industry members participated in the annual Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo (GIGSE) May 16-18 at the Palais de Congres in Montreal.
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GIGSE Latest: Bluff Magazine Editor Under Observation in Mental Clinic
18 May 2006
Michael Casseli, editor of Bluff magazine and I-Gaming Review remained under care at the psychological ward of the Montreal General Hospital after being apprehended at the ACME Velcro Co. in Montreal.
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Casino City's Corfmans Locked Together in Velcro "Incident"
17 May 2006
Casino City CEO Michael Corfman and his wife Sylvia are under observation at Mass General Hospital on Wednesday morning after a bizarre series of events left the couple locked together in Velcro in their offices in Newton, Mass.
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Bryan Bailey May Forfeit GIGSE Race After Near Fatal Velcro Incident
15 May 2006
Casino Meister Bryan Bailey suffers through a velcro mishap. Participation in the GIGSE race still to be determined.
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GIGSE Organizers Raise Money for Gordon House
24 Apr 2006
The Gordon House Association, a UK-based provider of residential support for gamblers recovering from addiction, will be the official charity of the River City Group-sponsored Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo (GIGSE).
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Lessig to Address GIGSE
21 Apr 2006
Professor Lawrence Lessig will provide the keynote address at this year's Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo.
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I-Gaming Companies Set GIGSE Fundraising Record
10 Apr 2006
I-gaming companies have come forth with over $50,000 in donations for the third annual charity event at the Global Interactive Gaming Summit and Expo to be held May 16-18 in Montreal. Leading the way in corporate contributions this year is PartyGaming, which has pledged $25,000, and BetOnSports, which has pledged $10,000. The recipient of this year's fund-raising efforts is the Gordon House Association, a U.K.-based provider of residential support to gamblers recovering from addiction.
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GIGSE Planned for May
11 Jan 2006
The eighth annual Global Interactive Gaming Summit & Expo will descend upon Montreal and the Palais des Congres May 16-18, 2006.
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Talking Cross-Border Issues at GIGSE
29 Jun 2005
Whether some nations in the European Union can continue to ban cross-border remote gambling remains a hot-button issue in the I-gaming industry. A panel of attorneys discussed the issue at the Global Interactive Gaming Summit (GIGSE) and Expo in Montreal, and most agreed there's a strong possibility that a free market will emerge.
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